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       美国凯德Hydro Seal公司致力于绿色环保防水涂料的开发、生产及销售,拥有三十余年的历史,产品遍及世界各地,作为该公司在中国的分支机构,我们定位于国内高端市场领域,重点服务国外在华投资的大型企业或国内知名企业的工业厂房和物流仓储以及相关市政场馆等,提供“整体解决方案”,针对不同情况恰当选材合理施工,彻底解决您的建筑物遇到的各种问题,并提供全程售后跟踪服务,让您安心无忧。公司使命是:专注于建筑维修行业,做自己擅长的事情,成为您公司最专业的建筑维修服务承包商。


    Suzhou TeSeal Building Maintenance Engineering Co., Ltd. is a modern high-tech enterprise specializing in building maintenance and construction. The company has chosen a market segment in the waterproofing industry, focusing on the building repair of industrial plants. The products include metal roof (steel structure roof) waterproof and anti-corrosion maintenance and renovation, concrete roof leak repair, interior and exterior wall paint renovation, industrial floor, industrial plant. Maintenance and other services.


    American Hydro Seal is committed to the development, production and sales of green and environmentally friendly waterproof coatings. It has a history of more than 30 years and its products are sold all over the world. As a branch of the company in China, we are positioned in the domestic high-end market, focusing on serving foreign countries. Large-scale enterprises investing in China or industrial plants and logistics warehousing of well-known domestic enterprises, as well as related municipal venues, etc., provide "overall solutions", select materials and construct reasonably according to different situations, and completely solve various problems encountered by your buildings. And provide full after-sales tracking service, so that you can feel at ease. The company's mission is: focus on the construction maintenance industry, do what you are good at, and become your company's most professional construction maintenance service contractor.




公司经营理念 MISSION

TeSeal德莎倡导 “ 诚信、专业、负责  共赢” 的价值观,以客户满意为准则,设身处地地为客户着想,把客户的事情当成自己的事情来对待,认认真真地做好每项工作,客户是我们的存在根本,只有成就客户的价值,我们的价值才能得到体现。


TeSeal德莎严格规范地遵循企业双方的 EHS 安全环保 健康 体系。始终坚持“安全第一、预防为主”的安全理念,确保工地 0 事故及安全隐患。


